What is a Hepa Filter?
HEPA is the acronym for ” High Efficiency Particulate Air”. HEPA Filter is a type of filter that can trap a large amountof very small particles. To qualify as HEPA Filter by Industry and Medical standars, an AIr Filter must Remove 99,97% of Particles that have a size greater than to equal to 0,3 micron. The EPA has stated: ” High-Efficiency fibrous media Filter ( e.g with High MERV or HEPA rated ) and activated carbon sorbent media filters have generally been shown to be the most effective while having the fewest limitations or adverse concequences.
How do I turn my room into a clean room like environment?
Step 1 : Utilize a certified HEPA Filter to remove particulate matter from the room.
Step 2 : Positively pressurize the room to keep unwanted contaminants out of the air.
Step 3 : Filter the air in the room as many time as possible. the more exchanges you have per hour through a HEPA Filter the Cleaner room will be.